School Manager is here to help you organize your school agenda. With School Manager, you can manage your grades, tasks, exams, timetable and more in easy and beautiful way.
With School Manager, you can:
1) Keep track of all your grades, divide them into semesters, see average grade for each subject and general average for all subjects
2) Remember all events like tasks and exams. Events can be divided into multiple groups you can define. You can set notifications so you never forget.
3) See all your lessons in well-arranged and highly customizable timetable.
4) Access all your data from your homescreen thanks to widgets.
If you want to help me translate School Manager, you can do it here:
Sekolah Manager adalah di sini untuk membantu Anda mengatur agenda sekolah Anda. Dengan Sekolah Manager, Anda dapat mengelola nilai, tugas, ujian, jadwal dan lebih dengan cara mudah dan indah.
Dengan Sekolah Manager, Anda dapat:
1) Melacak semua nilai Anda, membagi mereka menjadi semester, melihat nilai rata-rata untuk masing-masing rata-rata subjek dan umum untuk semua mata pelajaran
2) Ingat semua acara seperti tugas dan ujian. Acara dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok Anda dapat menentukan. Anda dapat mengatur pemberitahuan sehingga Anda tidak pernah lupa.
3) Lihat semua pelajaran Anda di diatur dengan baik dan sangat disesuaikan jadwal.
4) Akses semua data Anda dari homescreen Anda berkat widget.
Jika Anda ingin membantu saya menerjemahkan Manajer Sekolah, Anda dapat melakukannya di sini:
School Manager is here to help you organize your school agenda. With School Manager, you can manage your grades, tasks, exams, timetable and more in easy and beautiful way.
With School Manager, you can:
1) Keep track of all your grades, divide them into semesters, see average grade for each subject and general average for all subjects
2) Remember all events like tasks and exams. Events can be divided into multiple groups you can define. You can set notifications so you never forget.
3) See all your lessons in well-arranged and highly customizable timetable.
4) Access all your data from your homescreen thanks to widgets.
If you want to help me translate School Manager, you can do it here: